Home Wedding Taco Catering

Wedding Taco Catering

viva magenta color of 2023
Eventswedding margaritasWeddings

Wedding Trends for Spring 2023

It’s always wedding season for us but we are so excited for all those couples who got engaged this last Christmas and New...

EventsWedding PhotographyWedding Taco Catering

Spotlight on Orange 

Our sister company, Rasta Taco, recently catered a wedding in Old Town Orange and it reminded us of how much we love a...

Wedding Taco Catering

Wedding Taco Catering

Looking for a rehearsal dinner or late night snack for your wedding? Think RASTA TACO! The perfect meal to enjoy before the night...

Wedding Taco Catering

Meet The Crew – Tyler

Name: Tyler Gossett Job Title: That kitchen guy Favorite Rasta Menu Item: Tacos Favorite Song at the Moment: Bound by Kanye West Would...

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Wedding Taco Catering

Flashback Friday: Rasta Taco

Chocolate Empandas should be enjoyed on a regular basis. Rasta Taco + The Know = Wedding Taco Catering Grand Opening in Pasadena! Homemade...

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Wedding Taco Catering

Flashback Friday

We’re switching up things this Friday with a collection of Flashback Friday photos. Check ’em out. Do you have some to share?